China Part Three - Guangzhou (Eats)
The rest of our China Trip: 1. China Part One - Meizhou 2. China Part Two - Guangzhou (Destinations) 3. Macau - Destinations 4. Taiwa...
The rest of our China Trip: 1.  China Part One - Meizhou 2.  China Part Three - Guangzhou (Eats) 3.  Macau - Destinations 4.  Taiwan Da...
China Part One - Meizhou
The rest of our China Trip: 1. China Part Two - Guangzhou (Destinations) 2. China Part Three – Guangzhou (Eats) 3. Macau – Destinations ...
Loved every minute of Bali! But, so good to be home! 
Pun of the Day
May Street Larder - East Fremantle
Another new-ish cafe in Freo! When people started talking about May Street Larder I had to double check they were not talking about Mary St...
The catch up sessions continues!! This time it's with my partner in crime, Ms. C. We went through the torture that was Masters of Pharm...
Asado - Claremont
The Modern Eatery - Fremantle
After being away for two months and not being able to drive by myself in Jakarta, I'm relishing in my independence back in Perth. Here,...
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