Light Dinner in the Shadows - Northbridge
Okay, so the title is totally misleading, it was not a light dinner so much as a feast. Miss. C and I planned this dinner four weeks in adv...
If I had a list of my favourite cuisines, Mexican food would have to be third only to Japanese and Chinese! I love fancy Mexican restaurant...
Siesta With a Side of Salsa Please - Victoria Park
Little Birdy Told me about Little Bird - Northbridge
What to do on a sunny morning on your day off? Go for a healthy breakfast of course. This time to be accompanied by the then young intern M...
Just thinking about visiting Tra Vinh always makes me giddy with excitement. My family and I visit Tra Vinh regularly, we think it's on...
Tra Vinh - The Closest I've Been to Vietnam - Northbridge
Monggo, no, not Mango - Mount Lawley
Not too long after Three Little Piggies' dinner at Nunam Thai , Miss Di organised another dinner. This time though, we became the Four ...
For the first time in the 17 years I've lived in Perth I planned to join in the craze of Boxing Day Sales. Mr. T and I arrived in the c...
Shop, Eat Took Bae Kee, Repeat - Perth
The Wind Blew us to Canton Bay - Northbridge
What to eat on Christmas day? My parents and siblings were overseas and abandoned Mr. T and I in Perth, so we had to fend for ourselves. We...
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